lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008

correction of one post from last semester

BBC learning

This side is excellent, Not only helps to improve the grammar and pronunciation of the English language, since it allows hear that there are examples, but also allows you to read, watch and listen to issues of interest that often can only be seen by television.

I can to find every theme, from science to entertainment, and I can find articles, presentations and also videos of news that were published in the television.

I Liked too much, I didn´t knew this website, in special I liked that is in the section science/nature, it called “First contact to earthquake zone” (by Richard Black, Environment correspondent, BBC News website, Vienna.).This project made 8 perforations to crust, for to install a series of sensors movement, which would allow developing an early warning system to alert the population of possible earthquakes and tsunamis as the Sumatra in December 2004. I believe that is very interesting for all the people, especially for those who live in areas of subduction plate, Because there is a danger that this type of occurrence of natural disasters.


domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2008

My favorite Photo

Photo taken in August 2007

The fact is that there are many pictures that I like a lot, next to my family, friends of the university, college and life. The photos have that quality even though it sounds a little repetitive, capturing moments, and frozen in time because I do remember great moments of my life, that does not necessarily have always been happy, but also sad that there have been moments to remember me do think that I am fortunate as to have a wonderful family, as the picture that I'm showing, which reflects the primary motivation of my life, my family, I love spending time with them and be able to share those things that you can not touch, can only be felt in a certain place and time, are moments that you never forget (unless I with Alzheimer's disease). and when I look at their strange pictures and feel close to me.

the last field trip in Alhué

This month we have more field trips than at any other time in our passage by the university, but the trip was the last of Alhué village, a commune is located south of the metropolitan area circumscribed by the sixth region of the Bernardo O’Higgins Liberator, was really quite tiring for me this trip, because I had to get up the sun was just emerging with a group of peers to be able to count birds at various points around the river of the same name, that we were among the 8 and 12 of the day, then had to collect bugs from trees, then collect samples of tiny creatures from the bottom of the river, then up in the afternoon to hear a herbarium of plants instead, that we were all day, finishing or even very late at night, then get to the school where we were staying to cook for all my colleagues and prepare lunch the next day, actually finished very tired and I think they were not the only one, I take this opportunity to apologize for my absences to classes, and that is that even if had the intentions of coming to class, could not wake up.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

the technology & me

My favourite piece of technology is the computer because I can make all I want, from listening to music, watch movies, check my mail, work or even make purchases, all without having to move of my chair. The true is that I don’t remember when I started to use the pc, but my first experience whit the technology was when my father gift me a “Atari” game, wouuaw, I was very happy, then I played every day and as I was the only one who had Atari, my friends visited me for to play pacman, and spider man. Now I must to use the pc, thought I don’t know very much because I am not an expert in computer, because I do not understand how it works, but when something does not wonder what those who know more than me. Generally I am every day sitting in front of the computer, for study or wasting time on internet sites, I am sure that I don’t can stay without pc by long time, and it sounds funny but it's true I happen to like what happens to alcoholics in rehabilitation, I need to revise my mail or other sites.

sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008

Turtles Can Fly

The first time I saw this movie surprised me the harshness that sometimes seems so distant to our Western world, and yet so real in the day to day in a village ravaged by war. I was alone watching the movie, tears rolled on my face and I felt completely distraught. This film is set in a small town inhabited by Kurds, somewhere on the border between Turkey and Iraq, in times before the U.S. invasion and the fall of Saddam Hussein. All the residents are children orphans, who gather mines to be sold in clandestine markets at very low prices, as we imagine many of them have been victims of these weapons, but for them, this work is something normal. It is noteworthy that the mutilations, product of the collection of mines are not fictitious. The protagonist of this story is a teenage boy, his nicknamed is Satellite, because his job is to install antennae to pick up the signal channels internationals, this work makes it stand out among his peers, earning respect and admiration. Satellite invents a lie, said that the war has begun, so that people flee to the mountains….
This film highlights the lesser known side of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008

More than Common Sense

"Common sense is not something rigid and stationary”, this article talk about as the common sense changed at different moments of the history, burning witches, a flat earth, eugenics, slavery. Now the society has a great problem, Less than a month ago the invulnerability and inviolability of unregulated global capitalism was common sense. But suddenly , What seemed to be a strong economy and impassable as a child who fell just beginning to walk, Bush was obliged to give explanations to calm the population. While the gravity of the crisis is clear, the financial crisis gives greats opportunities to lay out different visions of how they would tackle the situation at a moment when the nation is intently focused on politics, still in the debate that neither John McCain nor Obama really know what to do.

in my opinion outside of being a political debate that is a global crisis, therefore whoever wins the presidential elections in the country's north will trigger on my own economic future, because it seems common sense has not had very good results. It is hoped that the results are not repeated in the Great Depression.

Gary Younge

The Guardian, Monday September 29 2008

Article History

The mystery of Stonehenge

Since ancient times, Stonehenge has not only attracted the attention of archaeologists and astronomers but also the admiration of visitors for its strange and amazing architecture. There is currently nothing in the world that can be compared in any way with this mysterious shrine, built with large rectangular stones called sarsens arranged in a circle, around this monolith had bluestones which had healing powers, as considered talismans. Some of the stories of how and who built this monument indicate that it was the same magician whom Merlyn move from Ireland to Wiltshire's famous blue stones, but this theory was rejected. undoubtedly one of the most accepted theory is that this place has to be used as a solar calendar, however everything is an enigma, one of the last excavations in 1964, just point out that this monument was used as a place for practice of multiple rituals. the fact is that we will never know the truth about this mysterious place.

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008

The Morning & Transport

Every day, not only I must get up, also I have to climb to the foul transport system in our capital. Previously, I stood near 7:30 AM, had enough time to take my quiet breakfast, watch the news and weather forecasts for the day. I left my house at 8:00 AM took the bus (number 358, which left me at the door of the faculty avenue for Portugal/Marcoleta) and arrived at 8.20, had time even to talk. Now my life is completely different.

I get up at 7:00 AM, I leave my house at 7:30 I take the bus number 103 until Irarrazabal/Pedro de Valdivia, that it goes completely full at all times, because the intelligent designer of this transport system that only happened to them 1 tour by Pedro de Valdivia Avenue to Providence, when, before passing about 15 bus routes!!!, well, returning to the subject, the bus is full of people, and when achievement come I feel lucky, but that lasts until Irarrázaval. There, I have to get out and take another bus number 403 that leaves me in Vicuña Mckenna with Bilbao, finally I have to walk to the university.

In conclusion, all the blame is the Zamorano, if he had not created the transantiago I do not come every day late to the University. But I am not the only, for most people the same thing that happens to me.

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2008

Tiqui Tiqui ti...........

Each September 18, it celebrates the first joint government of Chile, is incredible to see how the country is transformed, people forget their economic problems, family, etc… to join the great national holiday, it is common that in only 3 days people spent one month's salary, and in more extreme cases, some are willing to borrow if necessary, it appears that date justifies any imprudence, everyone wants to dress like "huasos" (men) and "Chinas" (Women), eating “empanadas with “pebre” and barbecues , drinking chicha, raising Volantín, go to the rodeo bull, and go to dance cueca in a Fonda or Ramada (if it is in the field) but only regueton dance, salsa and cumbia (it does not matter, what matters is the intention: P).

I remember that when I was a girl, the only thing that I liked the month of September, is starting to appear circuses, but only without animals, where they could laugh at the clowns and jugglers, eat pop corn, cotton and peanut Confit. I enjoyed so much. Other things were not of great importance for me, because I lived in a place where traditions nationalists were a thing of every day, and not something special or out of the ordinary as in cities such as Santiago.

Today, I do not give importance to the holidays, in reality has never been something important to me, I do not believe in government, nor in those who govern (I am not anarchist) so that it would be very inconsequence with my beliefs Celebrities to Chile's birthday, this does not mean that I do not enjoy the Chilean traditions (yes because I do). Just do not welcome this holiday, but respect for those who feel proud of your country, and believe it necessary to say in this way.

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2008

I’ll do with my life?

I don’t understand why everybody usually doing the typical question, what do you think about your future? And I wonder, why worry about what I'll do in 5 years, the better I worry about my well build this. Now I must finish my career, next as all the people I have to work to stop being a parasite of my parents, and this isn’t a joke, I don’t hope to become a millionaire, but if you have an economic stability that will allow me to live quietly. Personally I like learn everything I can, no matter the area of knowledge.

In 5 years, the only thing that is clear to me that I would like to have a little home in the south or north of Chile, any place less Santiago, where I can enjoy the outdoor activities, I don’t need many things, only health, tranquillity, and harmony in my family, the life is so simply, but we ourselves who we idealistic goals and little real, for example, any persons dreaming with to have a lot of Money, and they forget the most important in the life, that is, life itself, for me this is harmful, generates a lot of dissatisfaction and resentment towards those who if they can achieve these material things……

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008


In the beginning when I was a baby, my father listened only rock in English, so I listened for spelt, your favourites singer was Queen, Bee Gees and Jimmy Hendrix, I saw many films in english only with subtitle, also my mother liked invited many foreigns at my house, for this reason I tried to talk with they
When I went at Kinder garden my teacher called Lina she taught me the colours, animals, numbers etc. I liked too much because I Learned with songs and was very funny, so her methods of teach was very easy and claire, next when I went Primary school changed the teacher and I never knew his name, only we called ”TEACHER” he won a scholarship and he went to Canada per 2 years, went he arrived he tried taught every thing that he learned, before enter to the University I started has very difficult for me learn English I don’t understood at the teacher she doesn’t have a good pronunciation and confused me, then I bought a English book and listened music in English again. Moreover the better were that I Knew new friends and they are North Americans so when I must talk whit they I used every vocabulary that I learned.
I would like speak a little better because I want to win a scholarship for to go any country, sadly the English is a language of future and all the people think same, and if I don´t learn to speak, write and read I never can travel in the world.

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2008

only I

My complet name is Paula Alejandra Salinas Vilches, I am chilean, I born in Santiago of Chile and actually I live in this same city. I must say that I am a normal girl I like to talk to my friends and laught a while. but do not like Santiago city because is too dirty , when I when I go out into the street i feel completely dirty, my hair put him staff and my head hurts too much.

I have a little brother his name is Franco he is 12 years and he is very entertaining, sometimes he bored me because irritate all day he wants play with me , and in other ocassions he wants to use the computer when I am using, then we fight and my mother say me; “You are the great brother, you can not fight as if you were a young child”. My father work every day as all the people, he is very nice but if you see his face you should think that is a bad tempered and to tell truth sometimes he is. I forgot that I have two pet, one is a dog it called Zandocan it play every day and it does funny things at the people pass by the street. And I have a cat famele cat it called Niña.

In my free time, I do not do nothing in spacial, I prefer sleep, listen the music, or leave out door with my friends at the mountain “Cajon del Maipo” is my favorite place.

Finally my university live is very stressing , also I am lazy, so i do not study in day, and I must study in the night when I am tired.

martes, 8 de julio de 2008


I think that the activity class has been very entertaining, because I was never slept, and that is very difficult, because I was always slept in class. Also, I learned many things that apply in daily life; I like the English music, so I must know what it means. Moreover I have some foreign friends, and as they don’t speak Spanish, I attempt to learn more of their language to converse with them, in other thinks.
I guess that I didn’t liked is the I think that what I liked, was not the class itself, but rather the timetable that is quite uncomfortable, on Monday to 1.30 was time for lunch, so that the vast majority of us with this hunger in the classroom. And again on Tuesday because is unfavorable after lunch gives me dream, and I think the rest of my colleagues also passes the same thing.
To be constantly putting into practice the lessons learned helped me to remember what they learned each class, even though there are occasions when not fully understand the meaning of things, at least I can understand the context of sentences or what they are talking to me. Besides that during the time of always discussing using the English language, activities where talks allowed me to keep my language was more fluid. Also with my classmates always were trying to talk in English.
My favorite post was when I had to choose my favorite song and put it on my blog, because I could express myself freely, and talk about my musical tastes and preferences, I really liked this activity, because I love the group elected, which is its composition and The Hollies “The earth that I breathe”. Also this post with all my classmates went up their favorite song or band, and this enabled me to learn a little more to some who do not know their musical interests.
And my lest favorite post was when I had to choose which was the least blog that I liked and make a criticism of the blog, I am not happy because they felt that none was bad, so in the end chooses not to choose at random hurt anyone with my comments, and that choice, I chose the blog of Andrea and Willie.
Obviously the best blog is mine, the most entertaining, dynamic and interesting: P. that question, should not even ask (worth redundancy). It was entertaining occupy the technology to learn and insert the new challenges of society

martes, 1 de julio de 2008

Why I study geography?

Interview Myself

Why are you studying Geography?
Paula: Because I think that geography is more than a way to understand the functioning of the world, both for the environment, as well as to integrate all the elements that compose our planet.
Why did you decide to study Geography?
The truth is that I never thought study geography, I wanted Study History, but when I made the application for enter to university, I was wrong and although never wanted to study geography, decided to accept the challenge because I found very interesting area of study of geography.

What will you be doing (professionally) in 10 years time?
I'm viewing working and studying to upgrade to new trends methods and technologies for geography.

How can geographers help save the planet?
Paula: In many ways, first we can map any element in the space, for make protected wildlife areas, also constantly we care about learn and to understand how humans use the territory and therefore we can teach him to the people to sustainably use land resources.

What tools will the geographer of the future need to have?
Paula: The world is in constant change, the forms of land and its climate and environment, as well the society mix and the result is born different ways to occupy the territory, taking into consideration that the geographer studying a dynamic system, the main tool is "knowledge”, mainly from the variables that make up the system.

What is your favourite subject?
Paula: There are many subjects that I like, but in particular caught my attention those subjects’ oriented conservation and environmental protection both physical and social. because then I can do analysis and then diagnose the state of the territory, as makes a physician, the challenge now is to give treatment to mitigate the effects of mismanagement of the territory

martes, 29 de abril de 2008


I would like to meet is Lucrecia Borgia she belonged to the most corrupt family that has existed until now, she born in 1480 and died en 1519, though lived only 39 years old, her short life has become a legend, since there is no unique position to describe her life,

Some people consider guilty of murder by poisoning and incest, and others believe she was a victim of manipulations of his father and brother, this is true or false, certainly her life was marked by cruelty and deception, first had to bear the weight of being illegitimate daughter, second she even being a girl with only 11 years and had been engaged to be married twice, but her father who was pope annulled the agreements, two years later she was married with an important feudal Italian with whom he lived 2 years, however marriage between them never consumption and her father forced her to divorce because this was no longer convenient alliance for their interests, as they do not Lucrecia's father decides to assassinate him but escapes, to return to marriage are forced to consummate the marriage in front of witnesses, but they refuse, and Lucrecia's husband to get rid of this nightmare Lucrecia accused of committing incest with her brother and father After this scandal, Lucrecia is sent to a convent in which mysteriously becomes pregnant (even do not know who was the father of the child, because of this forced the church to become a test of virginity.

Lucrecia after it leaves the convent to marry again, but by political expediency as Lucrecia's brother murdered, after a year, her father and brother require a pricipe to marry Lucrecia, whit he had 4 children, everything was going well until Lucrecia brought them to live with her other son, for not unpleasant and distributed it to please their children at home with their families the end of his short life came when she gave birth to her fifth child, days after died of puerperal fever

The life story of Lucrecia I find very interesting, to know her story told herself, would be so brilliant, the true story of her life one of the most mysterious and women questioned in history and that of his father being a heretic pope was the most of all.

Causes me very curious to discover the secrets of his life, because may be it is just a lie and none of this was true?, maybe was an ordinary woman forced by her father to marry who did not want as used at the time… I don’t know.

martes, 22 de abril de 2008

BBC learning

This side is excellent, Not only helps to improve the grammar and pronunciation of the English language, since it allows hear that there are examples, but also allows you to read, watch and listen to issues of interest that often can only be seen by television.

I can to find every theme, from science to entertainment, and I can find articles, presentations and also videos of news that were published in the television.

I Liked too much, I don’t know this website, in special I liked that is in the section science/nature, it called “First contact to earthquake zone” (by Richard Black, Environment correspondent, BBC News website, Vienna.).This project made 8 perforations to crust, for to install a series of sensors movement, which would allow developing an early warning system to alert the population of possible earthquakes and tsunamis like the Sumatra in December 2004. I believe that is very interesting for all the people, especially for those who live in areas of subduction plate, Because there is a danger that this type of occurrence of natural disasters.

martes, 15 de abril de 2008

sorry.....the affected

my post chosen is:
"wena wena............i don´t know this place?
is really beautiful?later i write more....bye."
1 de abril de 2008 13:06
By Javy Ramirez
Javiera don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today,
Why Do you don’t do?
Always Is better that you say now, every things that do you think about this place, but if you don’t know this place, you can say to jhoy that invite you to this place in the south country. Moreover, WENA WENA, written in Spanish and you should write in English.


The blog is more boring .........( drums), is…

By willy
Sorry Willy, but your blog is very boring, you write too much, and as I do not like the video games I get tired having to read, I don’t know to James Raynor, may be if you change the color of your blog would be more entertaining to visit your site web.

It is not that bad of you this is just a comment, senseless

WOLF in Cobquecura

( Church stone)
The Cobquecura is in Eighth region of the country, has a great coastline , incluyed a sanctuary's nature of the marin wolf, and the famous "stone church" that is it a formation of the rocks really is a great headland, all who visit Cobquecura, go to the church stone, for to hear as sound waves to break into the rock. Surround sound is Deafening.

the last time that i went to the Cobquecura, I went with my family

I love the peace and tranquillity of the place, which is very nice if they want to rest. but you can't swim in the beach, also the winds is too much strong and quick, but isn't problem to enjoy horseback riding on the seashore, and fishing at dusk. The people's twon are very nice.

The Hollies

This group is British, are five members and And were formed in the sixties, Belong to the genre of rock, some people relate to groups as "the beach boys", also, they are contemporary of "The beattles" but I do not think they look, because the music they touch is more similar to jazz. They have many musical hit, but the success of the musical group beattles opaque quality music that they have. In nearly 30 years produced more than 300 songs.

These days the composition of the main teleseries LOLA Channel 13, uses one of his most popular songs "long cool woman in a black dress"(1970)Infaltable at every party of the seventies.

My favorite song is :

"The Air That I Breathe"

If i could make a wish,

I think i'd pass.

Can't think of anything i need -

No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound,

Nothing to eat, no books to read.

Making love with you

Has left me peaceful, warm, and tired.

What more could i ask?

There's nothing left to be desired.

Peace came upon me and it leaves me weak.

So sleep, silent angel, go to sleep.

Sometimes, all i need is the air that i breathe

And to love you.

All i need is the air that i breathe,

Yes, to love you.

All i need is the air that i breathe.

Peace came upon me and it leaves me weak.

So sleep, silent angel, go to sleep.
