lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008

The Morning & Transport

Every day, not only I must get up, also I have to climb to the foul transport system in our capital. Previously, I stood near 7:30 AM, had enough time to take my quiet breakfast, watch the news and weather forecasts for the day. I left my house at 8:00 AM took the bus (number 358, which left me at the door of the faculty avenue for Portugal/Marcoleta) and arrived at 8.20, had time even to talk. Now my life is completely different.

I get up at 7:00 AM, I leave my house at 7:30 I take the bus number 103 until Irarrazabal/Pedro de Valdivia, that it goes completely full at all times, because the intelligent designer of this transport system that only happened to them 1 tour by Pedro de Valdivia Avenue to Providence, when, before passing about 15 bus routes!!!, well, returning to the subject, the bus is full of people, and when achievement come I feel lucky, but that lasts until Irarrázaval. There, I have to get out and take another bus number 403 that leaves me in Vicuña Mckenna with Bilbao, finally I have to walk to the university.

In conclusion, all the blame is the Zamorano, if he had not created the transantiago I do not come every day late to the University. But I am not the only, for most people the same thing that happens to me.

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