domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008

More than Common Sense

"Common sense is not something rigid and stationary”, this article talk about as the common sense changed at different moments of the history, burning witches, a flat earth, eugenics, slavery. Now the society has a great problem, Less than a month ago the invulnerability and inviolability of unregulated global capitalism was common sense. But suddenly , What seemed to be a strong economy and impassable as a child who fell just beginning to walk, Bush was obliged to give explanations to calm the population. While the gravity of the crisis is clear, the financial crisis gives greats opportunities to lay out different visions of how they would tackle the situation at a moment when the nation is intently focused on politics, still in the debate that neither John McCain nor Obama really know what to do.

in my opinion outside of being a political debate that is a global crisis, therefore whoever wins the presidential elections in the country's north will trigger on my own economic future, because it seems common sense has not had very good results. It is hoped that the results are not repeated in the Great Depression.

Gary Younge

The Guardian, Monday September 29 2008

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