lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008

correction of one post from last semester

BBC learning

This side is excellent, Not only helps to improve the grammar and pronunciation of the English language, since it allows hear that there are examples, but also allows you to read, watch and listen to issues of interest that often can only be seen by television.

I can to find every theme, from science to entertainment, and I can find articles, presentations and also videos of news that were published in the television.

I Liked too much, I didn´t knew this website, in special I liked that is in the section science/nature, it called “First contact to earthquake zone” (by Richard Black, Environment correspondent, BBC News website, Vienna.).This project made 8 perforations to crust, for to install a series of sensors movement, which would allow developing an early warning system to alert the population of possible earthquakes and tsunamis as the Sumatra in December 2004. I believe that is very interesting for all the people, especially for those who live in areas of subduction plate, Because there is a danger that this type of occurrence of natural disasters.


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