lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008

correction of one post from last semester

BBC learning

This side is excellent, Not only helps to improve the grammar and pronunciation of the English language, since it allows hear that there are examples, but also allows you to read, watch and listen to issues of interest that often can only be seen by television.

I can to find every theme, from science to entertainment, and I can find articles, presentations and also videos of news that were published in the television.

I Liked too much, I didn´t knew this website, in special I liked that is in the section science/nature, it called “First contact to earthquake zone” (by Richard Black, Environment correspondent, BBC News website, Vienna.).This project made 8 perforations to crust, for to install a series of sensors movement, which would allow developing an early warning system to alert the population of possible earthquakes and tsunamis as the Sumatra in December 2004. I believe that is very interesting for all the people, especially for those who live in areas of subduction plate, Because there is a danger that this type of occurrence of natural disasters.


domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2008

My favorite Photo

Photo taken in August 2007

The fact is that there are many pictures that I like a lot, next to my family, friends of the university, college and life. The photos have that quality even though it sounds a little repetitive, capturing moments, and frozen in time because I do remember great moments of my life, that does not necessarily have always been happy, but also sad that there have been moments to remember me do think that I am fortunate as to have a wonderful family, as the picture that I'm showing, which reflects the primary motivation of my life, my family, I love spending time with them and be able to share those things that you can not touch, can only be felt in a certain place and time, are moments that you never forget (unless I with Alzheimer's disease). and when I look at their strange pictures and feel close to me.

the last field trip in Alhué

This month we have more field trips than at any other time in our passage by the university, but the trip was the last of Alhué village, a commune is located south of the metropolitan area circumscribed by the sixth region of the Bernardo O’Higgins Liberator, was really quite tiring for me this trip, because I had to get up the sun was just emerging with a group of peers to be able to count birds at various points around the river of the same name, that we were among the 8 and 12 of the day, then had to collect bugs from trees, then collect samples of tiny creatures from the bottom of the river, then up in the afternoon to hear a herbarium of plants instead, that we were all day, finishing or even very late at night, then get to the school where we were staying to cook for all my colleagues and prepare lunch the next day, actually finished very tired and I think they were not the only one, I take this opportunity to apologize for my absences to classes, and that is that even if had the intentions of coming to class, could not wake up.