domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008

More than Common Sense

"Common sense is not something rigid and stationary”, this article talk about as the common sense changed at different moments of the history, burning witches, a flat earth, eugenics, slavery. Now the society has a great problem, Less than a month ago the invulnerability and inviolability of unregulated global capitalism was common sense. But suddenly , What seemed to be a strong economy and impassable as a child who fell just beginning to walk, Bush was obliged to give explanations to calm the population. While the gravity of the crisis is clear, the financial crisis gives greats opportunities to lay out different visions of how they would tackle the situation at a moment when the nation is intently focused on politics, still in the debate that neither John McCain nor Obama really know what to do.

in my opinion outside of being a political debate that is a global crisis, therefore whoever wins the presidential elections in the country's north will trigger on my own economic future, because it seems common sense has not had very good results. It is hoped that the results are not repeated in the Great Depression.

Gary Younge

The Guardian, Monday September 29 2008

Article History

The mystery of Stonehenge

Since ancient times, Stonehenge has not only attracted the attention of archaeologists and astronomers but also the admiration of visitors for its strange and amazing architecture. There is currently nothing in the world that can be compared in any way with this mysterious shrine, built with large rectangular stones called sarsens arranged in a circle, around this monolith had bluestones which had healing powers, as considered talismans. Some of the stories of how and who built this monument indicate that it was the same magician whom Merlyn move from Ireland to Wiltshire's famous blue stones, but this theory was rejected. undoubtedly one of the most accepted theory is that this place has to be used as a solar calendar, however everything is an enigma, one of the last excavations in 1964, just point out that this monument was used as a place for practice of multiple rituals. the fact is that we will never know the truth about this mysterious place.

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008

The Morning & Transport

Every day, not only I must get up, also I have to climb to the foul transport system in our capital. Previously, I stood near 7:30 AM, had enough time to take my quiet breakfast, watch the news and weather forecasts for the day. I left my house at 8:00 AM took the bus (number 358, which left me at the door of the faculty avenue for Portugal/Marcoleta) and arrived at 8.20, had time even to talk. Now my life is completely different.

I get up at 7:00 AM, I leave my house at 7:30 I take the bus number 103 until Irarrazabal/Pedro de Valdivia, that it goes completely full at all times, because the intelligent designer of this transport system that only happened to them 1 tour by Pedro de Valdivia Avenue to Providence, when, before passing about 15 bus routes!!!, well, returning to the subject, the bus is full of people, and when achievement come I feel lucky, but that lasts until Irarrázaval. There, I have to get out and take another bus number 403 that leaves me in Vicuña Mckenna with Bilbao, finally I have to walk to the university.

In conclusion, all the blame is the Zamorano, if he had not created the transantiago I do not come every day late to the University. But I am not the only, for most people the same thing that happens to me.

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2008

Tiqui Tiqui ti...........

Each September 18, it celebrates the first joint government of Chile, is incredible to see how the country is transformed, people forget their economic problems, family, etc… to join the great national holiday, it is common that in only 3 days people spent one month's salary, and in more extreme cases, some are willing to borrow if necessary, it appears that date justifies any imprudence, everyone wants to dress like "huasos" (men) and "Chinas" (Women), eating “empanadas with “pebre” and barbecues , drinking chicha, raising Volantín, go to the rodeo bull, and go to dance cueca in a Fonda or Ramada (if it is in the field) but only regueton dance, salsa and cumbia (it does not matter, what matters is the intention: P).

I remember that when I was a girl, the only thing that I liked the month of September, is starting to appear circuses, but only without animals, where they could laugh at the clowns and jugglers, eat pop corn, cotton and peanut Confit. I enjoyed so much. Other things were not of great importance for me, because I lived in a place where traditions nationalists were a thing of every day, and not something special or out of the ordinary as in cities such as Santiago.

Today, I do not give importance to the holidays, in reality has never been something important to me, I do not believe in government, nor in those who govern (I am not anarchist) so that it would be very inconsequence with my beliefs Celebrities to Chile's birthday, this does not mean that I do not enjoy the Chilean traditions (yes because I do). Just do not welcome this holiday, but respect for those who feel proud of your country, and believe it necessary to say in this way.

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2008

I’ll do with my life?

I don’t understand why everybody usually doing the typical question, what do you think about your future? And I wonder, why worry about what I'll do in 5 years, the better I worry about my well build this. Now I must finish my career, next as all the people I have to work to stop being a parasite of my parents, and this isn’t a joke, I don’t hope to become a millionaire, but if you have an economic stability that will allow me to live quietly. Personally I like learn everything I can, no matter the area of knowledge.

In 5 years, the only thing that is clear to me that I would like to have a little home in the south or north of Chile, any place less Santiago, where I can enjoy the outdoor activities, I don’t need many things, only health, tranquillity, and harmony in my family, the life is so simply, but we ourselves who we idealistic goals and little real, for example, any persons dreaming with to have a lot of Money, and they forget the most important in the life, that is, life itself, for me this is harmful, generates a lot of dissatisfaction and resentment towards those who if they can achieve these material things……