martes, 8 de julio de 2008


I think that the activity class has been very entertaining, because I was never slept, and that is very difficult, because I was always slept in class. Also, I learned many things that apply in daily life; I like the English music, so I must know what it means. Moreover I have some foreign friends, and as they don’t speak Spanish, I attempt to learn more of their language to converse with them, in other thinks.
I guess that I didn’t liked is the I think that what I liked, was not the class itself, but rather the timetable that is quite uncomfortable, on Monday to 1.30 was time for lunch, so that the vast majority of us with this hunger in the classroom. And again on Tuesday because is unfavorable after lunch gives me dream, and I think the rest of my colleagues also passes the same thing.
To be constantly putting into practice the lessons learned helped me to remember what they learned each class, even though there are occasions when not fully understand the meaning of things, at least I can understand the context of sentences or what they are talking to me. Besides that during the time of always discussing using the English language, activities where talks allowed me to keep my language was more fluid. Also with my classmates always were trying to talk in English.
My favorite post was when I had to choose my favorite song and put it on my blog, because I could express myself freely, and talk about my musical tastes and preferences, I really liked this activity, because I love the group elected, which is its composition and The Hollies “The earth that I breathe”. Also this post with all my classmates went up their favorite song or band, and this enabled me to learn a little more to some who do not know their musical interests.
And my lest favorite post was when I had to choose which was the least blog that I liked and make a criticism of the blog, I am not happy because they felt that none was bad, so in the end chooses not to choose at random hurt anyone with my comments, and that choice, I chose the blog of Andrea and Willie.
Obviously the best blog is mine, the most entertaining, dynamic and interesting: P. that question, should not even ask (worth redundancy). It was entertaining occupy the technology to learn and insert the new challenges of society

1 comentario:

Sebastián Llantén dijo...

yes paula, I agree with you about the blog experience is very entertaining.