martes, 29 de abril de 2008


I would like to meet is Lucrecia Borgia she belonged to the most corrupt family that has existed until now, she born in 1480 and died en 1519, though lived only 39 years old, her short life has become a legend, since there is no unique position to describe her life,

Some people consider guilty of murder by poisoning and incest, and others believe she was a victim of manipulations of his father and brother, this is true or false, certainly her life was marked by cruelty and deception, first had to bear the weight of being illegitimate daughter, second she even being a girl with only 11 years and had been engaged to be married twice, but her father who was pope annulled the agreements, two years later she was married with an important feudal Italian with whom he lived 2 years, however marriage between them never consumption and her father forced her to divorce because this was no longer convenient alliance for their interests, as they do not Lucrecia's father decides to assassinate him but escapes, to return to marriage are forced to consummate the marriage in front of witnesses, but they refuse, and Lucrecia's husband to get rid of this nightmare Lucrecia accused of committing incest with her brother and father After this scandal, Lucrecia is sent to a convent in which mysteriously becomes pregnant (even do not know who was the father of the child, because of this forced the church to become a test of virginity.

Lucrecia after it leaves the convent to marry again, but by political expediency as Lucrecia's brother murdered, after a year, her father and brother require a pricipe to marry Lucrecia, whit he had 4 children, everything was going well until Lucrecia brought them to live with her other son, for not unpleasant and distributed it to please their children at home with their families the end of his short life came when she gave birth to her fifth child, days after died of puerperal fever

The life story of Lucrecia I find very interesting, to know her story told herself, would be so brilliant, the true story of her life one of the most mysterious and women questioned in history and that of his father being a heretic pope was the most of all.

Causes me very curious to discover the secrets of his life, because may be it is just a lie and none of this was true?, maybe was an ordinary woman forced by her father to marry who did not want as used at the time… I don’t know.

martes, 22 de abril de 2008

BBC learning

This side is excellent, Not only helps to improve the grammar and pronunciation of the English language, since it allows hear that there are examples, but also allows you to read, watch and listen to issues of interest that often can only be seen by television.

I can to find every theme, from science to entertainment, and I can find articles, presentations and also videos of news that were published in the television.

I Liked too much, I don’t know this website, in special I liked that is in the section science/nature, it called “First contact to earthquake zone” (by Richard Black, Environment correspondent, BBC News website, Vienna.).This project made 8 perforations to crust, for to install a series of sensors movement, which would allow developing an early warning system to alert the population of possible earthquakes and tsunamis like the Sumatra in December 2004. I believe that is very interesting for all the people, especially for those who live in areas of subduction plate, Because there is a danger that this type of occurrence of natural disasters.

martes, 15 de abril de 2008

sorry.....the affected

my post chosen is:
"wena wena............i don´t know this place?
is really beautiful?later i write more....bye."
1 de abril de 2008 13:06
By Javy Ramirez
Javiera don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today,
Why Do you don’t do?
Always Is better that you say now, every things that do you think about this place, but if you don’t know this place, you can say to jhoy that invite you to this place in the south country. Moreover, WENA WENA, written in Spanish and you should write in English.


The blog is more boring .........( drums), is…

By willy
Sorry Willy, but your blog is very boring, you write too much, and as I do not like the video games I get tired having to read, I don’t know to James Raynor, may be if you change the color of your blog would be more entertaining to visit your site web.

It is not that bad of you this is just a comment, senseless

WOLF in Cobquecura

( Church stone)
The Cobquecura is in Eighth region of the country, has a great coastline , incluyed a sanctuary's nature of the marin wolf, and the famous "stone church" that is it a formation of the rocks really is a great headland, all who visit Cobquecura, go to the church stone, for to hear as sound waves to break into the rock. Surround sound is Deafening.

the last time that i went to the Cobquecura, I went with my family

I love the peace and tranquillity of the place, which is very nice if they want to rest. but you can't swim in the beach, also the winds is too much strong and quick, but isn't problem to enjoy horseback riding on the seashore, and fishing at dusk. The people's twon are very nice.

The Hollies

This group is British, are five members and And were formed in the sixties, Belong to the genre of rock, some people relate to groups as "the beach boys", also, they are contemporary of "The beattles" but I do not think they look, because the music they touch is more similar to jazz. They have many musical hit, but the success of the musical group beattles opaque quality music that they have. In nearly 30 years produced more than 300 songs.

These days the composition of the main teleseries LOLA Channel 13, uses one of his most popular songs "long cool woman in a black dress"(1970)Infaltable at every party of the seventies.

My favorite song is :

"The Air That I Breathe"

If i could make a wish,

I think i'd pass.

Can't think of anything i need -

No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound,

Nothing to eat, no books to read.

Making love with you

Has left me peaceful, warm, and tired.

What more could i ask?

There's nothing left to be desired.

Peace came upon me and it leaves me weak.

So sleep, silent angel, go to sleep.

Sometimes, all i need is the air that i breathe

And to love you.

All i need is the air that i breathe,

Yes, to love you.

All i need is the air that i breathe.

Peace came upon me and it leaves me weak.

So sleep, silent angel, go to sleep.
